Cream Cheese Pound Cake

When I was growing up, Cream Cheese Pound Cake was a family favorite for a smidgeon of sweetness to go with a warm cup of (decaffeinated) coffee. Dense by nature, the cake is also soft, moist, with a nice spring in its form. It bakes into a soft buttery yellow and hits the right spot(s) each and every time! Enjoy!! 

Servings: 16 Slices
Prep Time: ~25min

1 Cup Butter, unsalted, softened  
8oz Cream Cheese, softened
2 1/2 Cups Sugar
5 Eggs, large
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract 
3 Cups Cake Flour
Salt, pinch

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Cream the butter, cream cheese, and sugar.  Add the eggs and vanilla and mix until integrated. Slowly fold in the flour and salt. Pour the batter into a greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 325 for 35 to 45 minutesor until an inserted knife comes out clean. Set aside to cool.

Nutrition Info (1 serving): (Coming Soon!!)
Calories , Total Fat: g, Sat. Fat: g, Cholesterol: mg, Sodium: mg, Carb: g, Fiber: g, Sugars: g, Protein: g